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Oil and gas sector of basf revenues fell to 15%

浏览次数 442 , 日期 2017-05-16 , 燃气设备 加入收藏

The world's largest chemicals maker, basf, is the world's largest producer of chemicals, according to Reuters

Kurt bok, CEO of the company on Friday in mannheim group said the company's annual shareholders meeting, due to basf company will focus on improving the profitability of the chemicals and crop protection, its oil and gas sectors in basf group company income will play a small role.

Traditionally, the gasoline sector accounted for about 25 percent of basf's depreciation and sales of EBIT, but last year it fell to just 15 percent, bock said.

He added: "as a result, more important is the increasing of the profitability of our business chemicals and crop protection. In recent years, we have successfully profitability rose by an average of 5% a year."

Bock says basf -- its products include catalytic converters. Vitamins, foam chemicals and engineering plastics - will continue to buy companies and sell non-core activities to promote growth and income stability.

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